Plan To Get Out Alive
- Knowing what to do before a fire occurs can save your life. Develop an escape plan for your family — and practice it — today.
- Draw a floor plan and know at least two exits from every room. If one is a window, be sure every family member knows how to open it and that it opens easily.
- If you live or work in a high-rise building, know the location of the exit stairs. Never take the elevator during a fire.
- Designate a meeting place at a safe distance outside the home.
- Practice your fire escape plan with fire drills at least once every six months.
KITCHEN - Kitchen fires are the most common source of structure fires. Typically these fires are caused by careless cooking, buildup of grease or faulty appliances. KITCHEN Hints:
- DO NOT leave food unattended on the stove. If you must leave the kitchen, take a wooden spoon or a potholder as a reminder.
- DO NOT cook wearing sleeves that can dangle near the burners.
- DO NOT use your oven or stove to heat the residence.
- DO NOT let grease build up on your stove or oven.
- DO NOT let crumbs build up in your toaster.
- DO NOT overload electrical outlets with plug in appliances.
- DO NOT let curtains hang near your oven or range.
- DO NOT put flammable materials such as pizza boxes in the oven.
- Make certain all appliances (coffee pot, oven, etc.) are turned off before you leave the home or go to bed.
BEDROOM - Bedroom fires often occur from careless smokers that fall asleep or faulty or inappropriate use of portable space heaters. THINGS to sleep by:
- DO NOT smoke in bed.
- DO NOT place heaters within three feet of flammable materials.
- DO NOT use heaters to dry clothes.
- DO NOT use extension cords with portable heaters.
- DO NOT leave portable heaters on when sleeping or when leaving the home unattended.
- Unplug heaters when you are not using them.
LIVING / FAMILY AREAS - Fires common to the living/family areas are usually caused by careless smoking, unattended candles or fireplaces. Animals often knock over unattended candles. These CAREFULL tips may just save your life:
- DO NOT put ash trays on chairs or sofas
- DO NOT run electrical cords under rugs or carpets.
- DO NOT staple electrical cords to walls or floors.
- DO NOT leave cigarettes burning in ashtrays unattended.
- DO NOT leave candles burning unattended.
- DO NOT leave fireplace fires burning unattended.
- Have the chimney professionally cleaned and inspected before each heating season.
If A Fire Occurs . . .
When the smoke detector sounds or fire strikes, leave the building immediately. Do NOT go back in. Follow your escape plan and call 9-1-1 for help.
If you are awakened by the smoke detector alarm, get out of bed and crawl low under the smoke. The heat and smoke is intense in a fire; you will not be able to see, and temperatures at the ceiling could reach more than 600 degrees Fahrenheit – enough to kill you immediately.
If your door is closed, feel the door with the palm of your hand. If it is not hot, brace yourself against the door and open it slowly. If there is fire on the other side, close the door and seek another escape route.
If it is safe to leave the room, stay low and get out by the quickest and safest route. |