Fire Pumper Engine

Hiram Fire Department

11617 Garfield Rd. P.O. Box 66 Hiram, Ohio 44234

About Us

Hiram Fire Department History
The Village of Hiram and the Hiram Township founded the Hiram Fire Department in 1897. At that time the members built or purchased all of the firefighting equipment with their own funds. In 1941, the department purchased its first new fire engine. The members continued to build, repair and service fire equipment into the mid 90’s. Today the department operates two large fire engines, one mini pumper and one water tanker, along with two advanced life support ambulances. In 1975, the department began to provide Emergency Medical Services, which consisted of a first responder vehicle that responded and rendered aid until a transport ambulance arrived.

Today, the Hiram Fire Department operates two Advanced Life Support Ambulances that provide state of the art Cardiac and Trauma care. Hiram Fire Department is the only Emergency Medical Service in Portage County to carry clot busters on the ambulances. The clot busters are administered to heart attack patients prior to hospital arrival, thus reducing the damage to the heart do to an Acute Myocardial Infarction (heart attack). In addition, our ambulances transport all seriously injured patients with multiple systems trauma or extreme medical situations directly to an appropriate medical facility. Such facilities are located in Akron, Cleveland and Youngtown. The Hiram Fire Department is staffed Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Saturday and Sunday there is at least one person staffing the station between 7:00 am and 12:00 am. The remainder of the time members volunteer their time and respond from their homes.



Scanner: 154.1300 Mhz | Phone: 330-569-9826 | Emergencies Dial: 911

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